24th Apr 2015

Calgary Branding

Building your brand is an important part of any marketing strategy. To make sure your brand reaches the right audience you need to understand your audience. Calgary has an artistic, entrepreneurial spirit and knowing how that affects their purchasing habits is essential to make a success of any Calgary branding.

To make sure your investment in your marketing is used effectively you need to understand what branding is, and how Calgary branding is a strategy of its own.


Branding is all about credibility. Your logo, detailing and merchandising images are all a representation of the credibility of your brand. Credibility creates a valuable ‘currency’ that is built on success. By creating a company image that expresses confidence or success you create credibility for your reputation to live up to – you just have to make sure that you live up to reputation.

Without a doubt building branding credibility will not take overnight but there is much you can do to help it build quickly.


A credible person understands people. Take the time to be sensitive to your customers, as well as your employees, and develop empathy. Make sure what you say is what you do. If you push for cost cutting in your company, practice it in your business dealings. Buy an economical car, cut back on the lunches and peripheries that are not needed. It makes your word your bond – people respect that.


Nothing will kill your credibility quicker than lying – no matter how small the lie. You have to make sure that you don’t say anything you can’t produce, repeat or backup. Exaggeration, embellishing or providing information out of context is also a form of dishonesty and will tarnish the credibility of your brand that will take a protracted amount of time to repair. Some instances will never be forgotten.


One of the greatest skills you need to develop is objectivity. You need to know what is important and moves you forward to your goal of credibility and what is a distraction. To develop the kind of credibility that will make a success of your Calgary branding, you need to make sure every little thing you do brings you closer to that goal.

Focus your energy and resources on the things that bring you closer to a cohesive brand.

Part of being real and increasing your credibility is linked to your sincerity. Being real means that you can learn to relax and be yourself. If you’re always you then you present a constant image that can be relied on that is sincere and interested. It is an important business skill.


If you want your Calgary branding to be successful you need to know about your product, your market, your audience and if your want your business to success in Calgary, you need to know about the atmosphere of the city of Calgary. You should make it a life-long goal to keep educated about the things that matter. Keep ahead of your product, your market and your audience.

If you are successful being educated, sincere and honest, your brand will develop and you will achieve your goals. Do not be afraid of sharing them. Let people know what you have achieved as it will build your credibility, and credibility builds your brand.


If you want to build your brand in Calgary, you need to know what is happening in the Calgary branding scene. You need to understand the ‘voice’ of your audience. You need to be in all the places they are and finding out what their pain points are. Calgary has a very specific atmosphere and requirements that you need to understand and when you do, you will understand your audience.

Take the time to build your brand, making a conscious effort to know your market and raise your credibility. Having a trusted brand does not happen by accident. It will take much effort and careful planning, but any time you put into your brans will give you an excellent return on your investment.





