26th Nov 2018

How to Build a Brand Online

Building your brand online has become essential if you want your business to reach greater heights. More now than ever before, running a successful business means making sure that the name of your company, as well as your business identity and brand, are easily found online. There are a host of ways to achieve this. This article highlights a few ways you can achieve this. These Calgary social media management tips include understanding your demographic, understanding your message, building brand awareness and reputation online.

Calgary Social Media Management: Understand Your Demographic

Before you begin the decision-making process regarding your brand, you must understand your demographic. There are a few steps you need to take when understanding our demographic. You want to understand who your customers are and who your competitors are. Identify the pain points for your customers and how you will address them.

If you’ve been in business for a while you probably have a good idea of who your demographic is. If you are a new business or business owner, you may want to spend some time investigating your demographic.

Once you have identified your demographic, you need to learn their habits. Figure out how they think and how your service can help them.

Lastly, research your competition. See what else is out there and how you differ from them. Brainstorm how you can stand out from the crowd. Focus on creating a niche for your business and your customers.

An experienced Calgary social media management agency will be able to help you answer all these questions. And they should have data to back it up.

Calgary Social Media Management: Understand Your Message

You need to understand your business’s message. Remember that your brand won’t make everyone happy, particularly at the beginning. It is important to find or understand your focus. To identify your brand’s message, ask yourself these questions:

What is your positioning statement?

Your positioning statement can be a line or two that stake your objective in the market. Alternatively, if your company has a cause at its foundation, you can write this as a mission statement. It should be something that makes a promise to your customers.

What words would you want associated your brand with?

Look at your brand like it’s a person. Ponder on questions like if my brand were a person what would they be like? What type of personality would my customers be attracted to? Understanding this will keep you informed regarding the type of voice your brand should carry on social media. It has to be creative, whether visually or written.

What metaphors would you use to describe your brand?

See your brand as something personifying or as a metaphor can help you identify the particular individual qualities you want. It can be seen as a vehicle, animal, celebrity, sports team, or anything else as long as it portrays what you want your brand to be.

Calgary Social Media Management: Build Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is when people identify your brand online or in print. People identify your brand by your logo, colours or aesthetic. They know it is your branding regardless of platform.

So how do you create brand awareness? Firstly, make your brand memorable. A blog can be the ideal vehicle for doing that. The key is leaving an impression that is unique. Curate a combination of great designs and content will allow you to stand out. Although a uniquely designed blog isn’t more important than the message your brand carries, it can still play a big visual role. You need to get your name out there to your audience. Try to connect with local customers and brands via your social media channels.

Calgary Social Media Management: Build Your Reputation

This means building trust and credibility with your audience. Building a positive reputation is just as important as building brand awareness. You want people to feel positive when they recognize your brand. Gaining their trust will make them see you as credible and like your brand. The best way to achieve this is by connecting with your prospects on a personal level. As a new-age entrepreneur, if you want to be liked, you need to be personable. Remember that your audience wants to be able to connect on a more personal level with you.

Overwhelmed with managing your brand’s social media? We can help.