9th Aug 2017

How to Get the Best Out of Calgary Marketing Firms

Hiring Calgary marketing firms will benefit a business by bringing in new perspectives and confidence to the table. Often, businesses have a way of developing a conservative way of thinking; which can hinder creativity and perpetuate stagnant, ineffective advertising. Calgary Marketing firms are helpful in creating messaging that is attractive to customers and will differentiate your business from the others.

Successful marketing will not only enhance the business’ prestige, it will also bring more awareness to the brand. However, a marketing firm must have a clear understanding of who their customer is and what their objectives are, to create the most enticing content.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when matching your business Calgary marketing firms:


  1. Help Calgary Marketing Firms Know Your Focus


Clearly explain your business plan, vision and objectives. Remember, less is always more – lengthy explanations will only lose the focus on the main objective. Prepare an informative, concise and to the point presentation as to why you need Calgary marketing firms and if hired, what their focus and objectives would be. If you know exactly which direction your company is going, it will be easier for others to grasp the knowledge and intentions of your business goals.


  1. Let Calgary Marketing Firms Know What Your Company Has to Offer


Understanding the selling points of your products and/or services will help Calgary marketing firms comprehend your motives and intentions. This will also make it easier for them to sell the idea of your product to the consumer. Begin by explaining the company’s overall value and what it offers. Give brief examples as to how the products/services work and how they are beneficial to the customers. Next, clarify the marketing firm as to how you would like for them to represent your company and what specific business plans you would like to highlight in your marketing plan.


  1. Understand your customer’s needs and wants


Know who your target market is and clearly demonstrate an understanding. Once again, have a thorough explanation as to who your customers are, how they behave and what they are looking for. Being aware of who your customers are will enable marketers to sympathize and think from the customer’s perspective. It will also help to think of ways to reach out to customers based on age group, behaviour and other defining characteristics. Don’t forget to keep pain points in mind, they can be a huge factor in pushing a customer further down the sales funnel. Be clear in communicating if there is more than one target market and emphasizing the level of priority amongst any age group.


  1. Understand your customer’s interaction and approaches in their purchasing decisions


Having a clear knowledge of your customer’s interaction and purchasing decisions will influence how the products and services will be advertised. Have in mind about two to three successful marketing plan executions that have worked for you in the past, this will help the Calgary marketing firms have a better perspective on your ideal approach. Does the customer need to look, touch, or try out before they buy? Does it take minutes, days, or months for them to inform themselves of the product/service?  Also mention plans that have not been as successful, reasons why, lessons learned, and what can be done differently in the future. Think of this step as giving them an audit of your marketing history, after all, no one wants to repeat past pitfalls. Remember to always stay on point as to what exactly the marketing firm’s objectives will be and the relativeness to the project.


  1. Bring your knowledge and ideas to the table

Be clear in expressing your thoughts and ideas. If you have a specific plan in mind, do a step by step explanation as to how you would like the plan to be executed. It will be helpful to have any kind of visual representation that portrays the idea in your head. Imagery, colour scheme, wording are all elements that will help bring an idea to life; hence, making it easier for the marketers to acknowledge your strategy in mind. It is important for the firm to have a clear image of what your expectations are.

Yet, be open to hearing innovative ideas. Once the marketing team has heard what their objectives are and your marketing strategy behind it, there is a chance they might have come up with some key ideas that will enhance your proposition. Be ready to hear suggestions that are outside of your comfort zone, that is why you’re considering a marketing firm in the first place. Always keep in mind new perspectives will provide a better chance for more creative content.


Calgary marketing firms will help your business by providing a more creative and effective way to engage with your customers. The firm’s expertise on how to properly reach out to your target market, what platforms to use, when and where will help create more awareness of your products and services. However, the firm’s accuracy will depend on how clear the responsibilities are communicated. It is up to you, the business owner, to deliver a detailed pitch about your company and what the marketing firm’s objectives will be.